Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How To Increase Your Portable Sawmill Output

If you own a portable sawmill and want to increase your output, you aren't alone.  The lumber industry is extremely competitive.  In order to stay in business you have to balance the law of supply and demand.  If you want to meet the demand, you need the proper equipment.

For example, you might think that any old portable sawmill will do the job.  However, not all portable sawmills are the same.  Some are built for small jobs and others are built to be run all day long everyday and cut enough lumber to really keep a portable sawmill business going.  One example of a sawmill that is built to really carry a lumber business is the AC36 from Cook's Saw.

There are many differences between Cook's saws, such as the AC36, and other portable sawmills.  Perhaps one of the biggest differences is that the sawmills from Cook's Saw use Cook's Super Sharp blades.  Sawyers, including Del Franklin, owner of Franklin Portable Sawmill Service, agree that Cook's Super Sharp blades are the flattest and fastest blades around.  They cut back on wasted wood and they also increase production speeds.  At the same time, they reduce spending because Cook's Super Sharp blades usually don't need to be replaced as often as other portable sawmill blades do.

In fact, Del Franklin used to own another brand of portable sawmill, which allowed him to cut about 3,000 board feet per day.  Now he owns a Cook's AC36, which has helped him to more than double his daily board feet totals.  Would you like to learn more about what makes the Cook's AC36 and other Cook's portable sawmills so great?  If so, just click here.

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